Thursday, November 22, 2007

Rex the Eater and Player

Dear Rex,

Today is a fun day. Today I want to talk about lunch time. In lunch time I played soccer. I played soccer not the others because that is the only soccer in the list and the other is tennis but tennis is not available so I played soccer. In soccer we fight grade 4B but grade 4B picked Hafizh to be in their team because our team have many people. So the game begins. I am a keeper and Budiman, Eugene, Hendro and Hendri are the defender and the others attacked the 4B. When playing there is always a fight. In the fighting contest the people are Vincent, Hendri, Hary and Kennedy. They fight because Vincent played really harsh and David just mad at Hendri but it is just a joke and Hendri mad at him. Kennedy doesn’t make any problem but Vincent started playing harsh and Hary is mad because of Vincent to. That is the things that we did in soccer. Today I ate a chicken it is so yummy until my I ate all of my rice. Rex do you think you like my food? Maybe you like it because it is so yummy.
Hay! Rex I need to sleep first so see ya!

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