Sunday, May 25, 2008

REx EEEEEExperience

Dear Rex,

In math, we discuss about length, mass, volume, and time. Mr. Perico told us to do a task by group. In my group my difficulty are; I can’t concentrate because the other group disturb me, and Vincent need to help putting the book on the shelf first so that is my difficulty. I need more help in concentrating to my work. The things that I learned today are about; mass, volume, time and others.

Rex I need to go first so see ya!

Dear Rex,

In English, we did a grouping and we need to discuss about the importance of rainforests.
In our group, our topic is about medicinal value and it means about medicine. In my group, my difficulty is some of the group members are not participating. I need more help in discussing with my members because they don’t listen. I learned that there are many importance of rainforest.

Rex I need to go first so see ya!

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